What do you know about our jury system? Have you or your family had any experiences with it? Can you share your story? (If it is too personal--better ask mom or dad!) How does our justice system compare to other countries' sytems? Feel free to add your "random thoughts" here!
What about juries in other parts of the world? Do they exist?
What about juries in other parts of the world? Do they exist?
I don't know anything about the jury system. Is it like when your parents have to do jury duty??
I don't know anything about the Jury system except that the Jury is a group of people sitting in a straight line on the side of the courtroom.
All I know about the jury system is that a suspect or someone accused of breaking the law is put onto trial in front of jury people and present their case and then they are convicted guilty or not guility
I know the jury system is supossed to be fair. Also theres 12 juriers that are randomly chosen and cant have any connects with either the prosector or defendent. Another thing I know is that most people hate jury duty and gripe and complain when they're picked.
All that I happen to know about the jury system is about the trials that are held when some commits a crime. The citizens of the US take turns coming in for jury duty. The jury make the decision whether the blamed is guilty or not guilty. The judge keeps control over the trial and decides the final punishment for the person being put on trial. That's just about as much I remember about it. I'm pretty sure I've learned more than that. But I mean I have 8 other years of school to remember. (:
I have honestly never had any experience with the jury system. I know that there are 12 people in the jury, and they decide who goes to prison, or who gets fined. I do know that my mom actually does have to go to jury duty next weekend. She doesnt know how long it is going to take, so she has to plan ahead. Jury duty can last for a couple of days, so she doesnt know how she is going to pick us up from school. I really do not know that much about the jury system.
I don't really know a whole lot about our jury system. I've heard of jury duty where people are chose to listen to trials and then are picked to share their opinion... I think. I havn't ever had any experiences with it. I don't have any idea how our system compares to other countries systems? If it is very similar or extremely different? I will hopefully expand my knowledge on the jury system after reading this play.
i dont know much about the jury system but my family did have an incident with the justice system. my brothers old car was sitting in our driveway about 5 feet from the road. some 19 year old kid flew around the corner -we live on a corner of the main street and a side street- and smashed into my brothers car! then he just drove away. my dad called the police and they declared it was a hit and run. we found the kids hubcap so the police searched for his car. we eventually found it down the road. the kid ended up totalling my brothers car. so he got some money and a new car out of the event.
I know that the jury decides if the accused is guilty or not. I know people who have been on jury duty and they are selceted by area code (?) and then asked questions. In some cases the jury cant watch tv or contact family to get opinions on the acused person.
I don't know much about the jury system, it's not something that I find intresting. I know that there are tweleve people on the jury and that they must have no connection what so ever with the case they are doing. That about covers my knowledge. I do know people that have gone and done jury duty, but its not like they ellaborate on anything except the fact that most of it was really boring.
I do not know to much about our jury system. No i have not had any experiance with it. Our countreys system is much more fair than a lot of ther countries. We also have diffrent punishments for crimes.
I don't know much about it either, I've watched all of those law and order shows, they are pretty interesting. I don't know anything about jury except for the lame judges and attorny, defendent, ect. I think it is boring but all those shows make it seem all intense. Some of my family and friends got jury duty.
I really don't know much about this. I mean its not like I have ever been to court or anything. About the only thing I know is that there is a branch of the government called the judicial branch. That has something to do with a judge or something. Even though I have never been to court a have had a run in with it. I think one of mt uncles owed money to the government and he decided to run away. We never heard from him but, people did call our house a lot till my mom told them to stop. Another thing that happened was my dad got jury duty on his birthday. Other than that I don't know anything else.
Honeslty i don't know that much about the jury system. ALl i know is that they just randomly select citezens to be the jury and you can't have any connection to the case. I know that the jury decides if the person is guilty or not.
I know pretty much nothing about our jury system. I know that the jury system here is a lot different than in other places. Is the supreme court part of the jury system?
I don't know much about the jury system. I know that there are 12 people and they make the decision on if the person is guilty or not guilty.
I've seen Jurys on TV they are people who have Jury duty and don't know the people on trial and they decide if the person is guilty.
I agree with taysul on not having any idea about the jury system
I know almost nothing about the U.S. jury system except that the prosecute bad guys. And that they have lots of rules and that it gives everyone the right for a fair trial.
i agree with brijam5. i would like to know more about the jury system so i can understand the law and not break it. i know it is very complicated but i am up to learning it.
I don't know much about the jury system but I do know that there are people on a jury meet and they vote on what desicions are made-one person can't make a desicion for the whole group.
I don't know much about the jury system! Mainly what I know has already been said. I know that people who are accused of a crime, are put on trial in front of a jury. I also know that my parents are required to take place in jury duty if choosen by recieving a letter.
I dont know much about the jury system. I know they pick it from a pool of people. Also that the Jury has to be there and the listen for how ever many days the trial takes. They also get to say if the defendent is guilty or not. I don't know how we compare to other countries because I don't know much about ours, let alone other countries.
I don't know what the U.S Jury System is but my guess is that it is where someone or somepeople pick people to do Jury Duty.
I don't think I know anything about the jury system. :) If I do, then I forgot. I think both of my parents have done jury duty. I think that since my aunt is going to be working for Nixon, nobody in my family will be serving on jury duty. Is that right?
I'm not sure if my parents have ever had any experiences with The U.S. Jury System. I think that a part of the Jury System is jury duty when you are randomly selected to go hear about a case and you have to say the person is guilty or not. Also if you know anyone to do with the case you can't continue on with it because they think that will sway your decision. That's about all that I know.
I know that the jury gets to decide if someone innocent or guilty. They also get paid (I heard it's not worth the time).
I don't know much about the jury beside the fact that they decide if someone is guilty or innocent. I also know that people must do it if they are asked and that they are not allowed to be fired from their job while they are surving the jury. They don't get a very good pay check for participating either.
What I know about the jury system is that 12 people are called in to serve on the jury and they can't have any connection to anyone associtated with the defendent or the prosecuter. Oh, and a whole group of people are called in to pick 12 of them for the job. I also know that it is a citizens duty/job to serve every once and a while on jury duty. The jury then obsereves the crime presented before them and decides if the accused is guilty or not.
I don't know a whole lot about our jury system, I do know that the jury system has 12 people in it, and that there is a defendent, and proscuter. My family has not had any experiences with the jury that I know of. Does anyone know how our jury system compares with other jury systems? Hopefully we will learn more about the system after we read the play.
I don't really know a lot about the jury system. I know that peopole get a paid vacation from their work when they get jury duty. Also, I know that in the court there is a jury, a judge, a persicuter(I don't know how to spell that),and a defendant. I know that it isn't always fair. I know that this branch of government is the judicial branch. My family hasn't really had any experiences with it except that they have gotten jury duty. I think that our justice system is prbably more fair than in other countries, because here you automatically get a trial before you can be convicted, while in other countries I don't think they have to give you a fair trial. Also, I don't think people get executed as much here.
All i know about jury duty is that you randomly get picked and you have to go and take like a test thing and if you pass you go to the court room and you decide if the person is guilty or not.
I know that as a United States citizen you must attend jury duty if you are asked, and if for some reason you are bias (meaning you may know someone playing a role in the case or something like that)then you may be excused and asked to participate in another case in the future. A case is presented to the jury and each jury member must make a descision as to whether the person is innocent or guilty. I belive in most cases that majority rules. My mother has participated in jury duty, though she didn't really tell me what the case was about. Could that be some sort of a rule for privacy purposes? And also is the judge's decision balance with the judge, like with congress and the president?
I think I know a bit about the jury system… It’s supposed to be just, and the (X) amount of people randomly chosen by their social security numbers (maybe?) should help make sure it’s not un-just.
All I know about the jury system is that there are 12 people who must have no connections with the case who have to listen to a court case trial thing and like if the guy on trial is a murderer they have to decide if he's guilty or innocent. I think being on the jury for a murder case whould be cool...but almost everything else is boring... Also i think that in Texas or somewhere (i forget what state it was but i saw this on 48 Hours Mystery) the jury also gets to decide the punishment of the murderer. i think.
The jury system is when a crime has been commited and a person goes on trial; there is a group of people called the jury that decides if the convicted person is guilty or innocent. The jury can not know the convicted person in any way. The jury is chosen from a large group of random people. shekap5 is correct it is like when your parents have to do jury duty. But our parents aren't immediately chosen, they are put into the group of random people who could be chosen to be in the jury. Some people have never had to do jury duty, I believe there is an age where your can no longer participate in jury duty. I know more, but I think I have explained enough.
I know that everyone has to do jury duty, but I'm not sure how often, and I know that you cant be related to or know any of the people involved in the case in any way.
I dont realy know much about a jury system. But i think it is the people who diside if you are inosent or guilty.
Like other people's comments that I have just read, I don't know much about jury systems but I know what their purpose is. The listen to a hearing in a court and vote as a group whether a person is guilty or not. I remember my parents having to do jury duty but my family hasn't any other experiences with it. I believe that our justice system is more fair and effective than other country's because of the jury system.
I know absolutely nothing about the jury system
I'm not really sure what the jury system is. My guess would be that it's like a group of people who decide in court if the which person is right and which is wrong and they vote on it.
I think that the jury system is where the people are on the side and they confrence and help decide if they're guilty or not. But that's about all i know.
I really don't know anything about the jury system except that 12 people are picked out of some people and they are in a court room to hear a case and decide if the person is guilty or not guilty.
I don't know anything about the jury system except I think that jury duty has something to do with it. I don't have any experiences with it except I think my dad had to do jury duty once and I've had teachers that have had to miss school to serve jury duty.
Here is an interesting fact I found at: http://www.crfc.org/americanjury/
"The jury trial finds expression in the American legal system in three places: the grand jury, the criminal petit jury, and civil petit jury. Each is guaranteed in the federal courts by the U.S. Constitution, and every state uses them."
I honestly dont know much about the jury system. Does it have to do with those times when your parents get a letter in the mail saying 'You have Jury duty'? Dont they decide who's guilty and who's innocent?
I have never been called to jury duty in Missouri. You can't volunteer-I know because I tried it. Mr. Walker says that they use MO Driver's License numbers to pull from the jury pool. How is this a "jury of your peers" when there are a lot of people who don't drive? Do they also use state ID cards? Also, my husband was selected to a police brutality case and LOVED serving on the jury. He said it was pretty hard to not form an opinion of guilt before the end of the trial though. Especially important since if you are on trial, you are supposed to have the presumption of innocence; the prosecution is needs to prove your guilt.
I gotta go students--my daughters is puking! Have a good day with the sub!
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